Collection: Pigeon countermeasure supplies
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In spring, the full-scale season of pigeon damage arrives. Thorough preparation before the season is important, so we are selling carefully selected countermeasures at our store! We have a range of high-quality pigeon control products that can withstand the use of professionals.
Pigeons have habits such as “1) resting pigeons → 2) waiting pigeons → 3) roosting pigeons → 4) nesting pigeons”. Please refer to the following and select the appropriate product according to the current countermeasure level.
Level 1: Resting pigeon
It arrives at a relatively bright time and stays for a short time. If no action is taken at this stage, the pigeons will perceive it as a safe place and move on to the next stage. First of all, in order to keep pigeons away using their habits, we recommend various repellents that are easy to introduce.

High-quality repellent for professionals. We have prepared various types of products that can be selected according to the countermeasure location, such as sprays, gels, and solid installations that use carefully selected ingredients that birds dislike. Please choose according to the place to take measures.
Level 2: Waiting Pigeon
It arrived at a relatively bright time, and stayed slightly longer than Level 1. If no action is taken at this stage, the pigeons will perceive it as a favorite place and stay there for a long time. We recommend that you take measures to physically prevent pigeons from flying by installing them in places where pigeons stop, such as the railing of the veranda or near the outdoor unit.

This is a high-quality bird-proof sword mount that uses weather-resistant resin. Due to the specifications that take into account the body structure of pigeons, it has the effect of physically preventing flying to the installation location.
* Since it is possible to move to another place nearby, we recommend that you respond to all places where there is a possibility of flying.

A bird-proof wire that can be easily installed with a variety of mounting methods. While maintaining the landscape, it can be installed in various shapes such as narrow handrails and pipes where birdless mats cannot be installed.
We have a wide range of installation results in various public facilities and commercial facilities, including condominiums and buildings.
Levels 3 to 4: Roosting pigeons and nesting pigeons
Once the pigeons recognize that it is safe enough to use as a roosting place, they will stay in the area from evening to night, causing more and more serious damage, such as noise from cries and wings, and a large amount of droppings. If this state is left untreated, it will develop into nest building, and it will be extremely difficult to drive away due to its strong territorial and homing instincts. It will be necessary to completely shut out with a metal mesh or net.

It is a domestic all-stainless steel fence that is installed in the gap between the roof and the solar panel to firmly block intrusion.
It is possible to fit not only flat roofs, but also various shapes such as tiled roofs, and it is also beautiful.

Anti-bird net recommended for installing nets over a wide area. Lightweight and excellent workability!
Not only for verandas, but also for protecting vegetables and fruits in home gardens. Eliminate the slack and set it up so that it will not be intruded through gaps.
To customers of extermination and countermeasure companies
We are currently running a discount campaign for bulk purchases. Please let us know the details of the place where you plan to install it and the quantity you plan to use for each product. If you do not know the required quantity, please contact us with the dimensions and drawings of the location. Our professional staff will check and give you an estimate.
Birdless mat type 1 (1 piece)
ハトが来始めた時や被害の出る前に予防的に使用していただくための防鳥剣山本体です。Regular price ¥1,510Regular priceUnit price per¥1,510Sale price ¥1,510 -
Type 1 fastener C-1 (1 pc.)
防鳥剣山1型やニャンガードショート専用の取り付け金具です。取り付け簡単、改修工事の際も簡単に剣山本体を取り外すことができます。Regular price From ¥210Regular priceUnit price per¥210Sale price From ¥210 -
Birdless mat type 2 (1 piece)
既にハトやカラスの被害があるところで活躍する防鳥剣山です。針は1型より長めの15センチ。Regular price ¥1,880Regular priceUnit price per¥1,880Sale price ¥1,880 -
Stopper for type 2 C-2 (1 pc.)
防鳥剣山2型やニャンガードロング専用の取り付け金具です。取り付け簡単、改修工事の際も簡単に剣山本体を取り外すことができます。Regular price From ¥220Regular priceUnit price per¥220Sale price From ¥220 -
Birdless mat cover type (1 piece)
Regular price ¥2,250Regular priceUnit price per¥2,250Sale price ¥2,250 -
Stainless steel band (1 piece)
防鳥ワイヤーの支柱や防鳥剣山をパイプ状の場所に設置する際に推奨している金属バンド。ラチェット方式で強力な締付け。Regular price From ¥325Regular priceUnit price per¥325Sale price From ¥325 -
Stopper Clamp DX (1 pc.)
防鳥剣山の専用クランプ金具です。H型鋼・L形鋼などに防鳥剣山本体を取り付ける際に力を発揮します。Regular price ¥620Regular priceUnit price per¥620Sale price ¥620 -
Stopper Strong clamp (1 pc.)
防鳥剣山の専用クランプ金具です。橋梁や駅など振動が気になる場所のH型鋼・L形鋼などに防鳥剣山本体を取り付ける際に力を発揮します。Regular price ¥860Regular priceUnit price per¥860Sale price ¥860 -
Bond multipurpose outdoor use (333ml)
防鳥剣山の止め金具C-1・C-2や、バードブロッカーの伸縮金具に塗布して使用する接着剤です。Regular price ¥1,500Regular priceUnit price per¥1,500Sale price ¥1,500 -
Strong clamp strut (1 set) *Pinch width 22 mm
防鳥ワイヤーの支柱のうちH形鋼等の鋼材に手軽に設置できるタイプです。強い締め付けに対応。Regular price ¥1,880Regular priceUnit price per¥1,880Sale price ¥1,880 -
Stainless wire 20m roll (φ0.72)
防鳥ワイヤーに最適で丈夫な7*7ステンレスワイヤーの20m巻きです。細すぎず太過ぎない線径φ0.72を採用。Regular price ¥2,500Regular priceUnit price per¥2,500Sale price ¥2,500 -
Stainless wire 50m roll (φ0.72)
防鳥ワイヤーに最適で丈夫な7*7ステンレスワイヤーの50m巻きです。細すぎず太過ぎない線径φ0.72を採用。Regular price ¥5,250Regular priceUnit price per¥5,250Sale price ¥5,250 -
Stainless wire 100m roll (φ0.72)
防鳥ワイヤーに最適で丈夫な7*7ステンレスワイヤーの100m巻きです。細すぎず太過ぎない線径φ0.72を採用。Regular price ¥10,500Regular priceUnit price per¥10,500Sale price ¥10,500 -
Standard base post (1 set)
4タイプの防鳥ワイヤーの支柱のうち、φ32ミリ以上の手すりやパイプに適した標準タイプです。Regular price ¥1,350Regular priceUnit price per¥1,350Sale price ¥1,350 -
[Discontinued] Clamp band post (1 set)
防鳥ワイヤーの支柱のうち、細いパイプや管材に設置可能なタイプです(適用最小径φ16ミリ)。Regular price ¥1,800Regular priceUnit price per¥1,800Sale price ¥1,800Sold out -
Compact clamp post (1 set)
防鳥ワイヤーの支柱のうちH形鋼等の鋼材に手軽に設置できるタイプです。Regular price ¥1,818Regular priceUnit price per¥1,818Sale price ¥1,818 -
Spring (1 piece)
鳥よけワイヤーを適切に張るためのスプリングです。ワイヤーをかしめて引っ掛けるタイプです。Regular price ¥165Regular priceUnit price per¥165Sale price ¥165 -
One-touch spring (x 1)
鳥よけワイヤーを適切に張るためのスプリング。面倒なカシメ作業が不要で、いつでもテンション調整可能です。Regular price ¥580Regular priceUnit price per¥580Sale price ¥580 -
Stainless sleeve (1 piece)
防鳥ワイヤーのカシメに使用するステンレススリーブです。φ1.0mm以内のステンレスワイヤーに使用可能。Regular price ¥115Regular priceUnit price per¥115Sale price ¥115 -
Bird blocker fence (1 piece)
屋根と太陽光パネルの間に鳥が侵入するのを防ぐフェンスです。材質はオールステンレス、適度な硬さでカットや曲げ加工が容易。Regular price From ¥1,680Regular priceUnit price per¥1,680Sale price From ¥1,680