Collection: List of wild boar measures products
This is a mail-order sales page for wild boar countermeasure products. We have a wide variety of products, including box traps and traps for trapping, useful items for hunting, and repellent and control goods for dealing with animal damage.
Choose from types of wild boar countermeasures
There are many other anti-boar products.
Wisdom bag of wild boar measures
"TSJ" Trap for both feet and nose
New Products
No need to dig a hole, also as a nose ring
Free shipping over 19800 yen
This is a thin stainless steel trap that can be used both as a foot and nose traps. Easy installation by simply sticking it in the ground.Regular price From ¥9,818Regular priceUnit price per¥9,818Sale price From ¥9,818 -
Fare Asahi Shiki Box Trap Big Size [Single Door]
Selling well.
Sturdy and catch great!
A box trap for wild boar and deer with a proven track record! Robust specifications that will not be defeated by the force of animals. It is a single door type.Regular price From ¥63,436Regular priceUnit price per¥63,436Sale price From ¥63,436 -
Fare Asahi Shiki Box Trap Big Size [Double Door]
Selling well.
Sturdy and catches great!
This is a box trap for wild boar and deer with a proven track record! This is a double-door type that is strong enough not to be defeated by animals, great price, and catches well!Regular price From ¥69,436Regular priceUnit price per¥69,436Sale price From ¥69,436 -
Fare Asahi Shiki Box Trap Medium Size [Single Door] Deep Type
Sells well!.
Sturdy and catches well!
This is a box trap for wild boar and deer with a proven track record! It is a one-door type that is smaller than the big size while maintaining the robust specifications that do not lose to the force of the animal.Regular price From ¥51,436Regular priceUnit price per¥51,436Sale price From ¥51,436 -
Kukuri Trap Shrimp Black
Strong springs
Bundling high
Free shipping
This product was developed to ensure the capture of wild boars and deer without the need for technique. No need to replace springs, etc., reducing maintenance labor.Regular price ¥20,000Regular priceUnit price per¥20,000Sale price ¥20,000 -
Trap for wild boars and deer Strong finished product
すぐに仕掛けられる完成品セット。従来の木製踏み板部分をPVCにし、雨・雪に強く強度を上げたモデルです。Regular price From ¥5,682Regular priceUnit price per¥5,682Sale price From ¥5,682 -
Trap for wild boars and deer Strong footboard + pedestal set
New Product
Sturdy and catches well
Free shipping over 19800 yen
This is the popular Strong version, sold as a set of a treadle and base. The conventional wooden step board is now made of PVC, making this model stronger and more resistant to rain and snow.Regular price From ¥3,618Regular priceUnit price per¥3,618Sale price From ¥3,618 -
You can get it even at a bargain price. Boar hoihoi tread for tying traps finished product
初心者からベテランまで、激安かつ良く獲れると評判の踏み板+台座+スプリングです。届いてすぐに仕掛けられます。Regular price From ¥3,600Regular priceUnit price per¥3,600Sale price From ¥3,600 -
You can catch it even at a very low price★. Boar hoihoi tread for tying traps (tread + pedestal set)
初心者からベテランまで、激安かつ良く獲れると評判の踏み板+台座セットです。単価が安いので、多数設置する方に向いています。Regular price From ¥1,800Regular priceUnit price per¥1,800Sale price From ¥1,800 -
Boar hoihoi tread for tying traps (tread only)
イノシシホイホイ踏み板の台座無し商品です。台座をご自身で用意される方におすすめ。Regular price From ¥1,618Regular priceUnit price per¥1,618Sale price From ¥1,618 -
Fare Asahi Shiki Kukuri Trap Spring Set
初心者にも扱いやすく、女性や高齢の方にも設置がしやすいよう、絶妙なバランスで製作した組立済のスプリングセットです。Regular price From ¥3,182Regular priceUnit price per¥3,182Sale price From ¥3,182 -
Kukuri Trap Part Replacement/Self-made Kit 10 pairs + 1 sample
各部材がセット価格でお買い得な自作キット(10組分)です。くくり罠のスプリング部分を、費用をおさえて簡単に自作組立したい方におすすめです。Regular price ¥21,780Regular priceUnit price per¥21,780Sale price ¥21,780 -
Kukuri Trap Part Replacement/Self-made Kit 5 pairs + 1 sample
各部材がセットになってお買い得な自作キットです。くくり罠のスプリング部分を、費用をおさえて簡単に自作組立したい方におすすめです。Regular price ¥12,540Regular priceUnit price per¥12,540Sale price ¥12,540 -
Stainless steel springs for leg traps
くくり罠に適したステンレスばねです。女性や高齢の方にも扱いやすい荷重9.8kgと、強じん版となる荷重15.4kgの2タイプがあります。Regular price From ¥660Regular priceUnit price per¥660Sale price From ¥660 -
Fall-off prevention metal fittings for leg tie traps (tie metal fittings)
括る部分のワイヤーの輪(スネア)に取り付ける抜け防止の金具です。4mm〜5mmワイヤー適合。Regular price From ¥182Regular priceUnit price per¥182Sale price From ¥182 -
Beast Boar Deer Intrusion Prevention Device Wataranasu LIGHT Body
人や車は通行可能ですが、イノシシやシカは忌避する侵入防止床本体(標準ユニット1枚売り)です。Regular price ¥90,000Regular priceUnit price per¥90,000Sale price ¥90,000 -
Beast Boar Deer Vermin Intrusion Prevention Device Wandering LIGHT Slope
人や車は通行可能ですが、イノシシやシカは忌避する侵入防止床と併用するスロープです。Regular price ¥70,000Regular priceUnit price per¥70,000Sale price ¥70,000 -
Wild boar countermeasure repellent sheet 50 sheets x 2 sets Patent No. 4994408
イノシシの嫌いな臭いと色で寄せつけない、吊り下げタイプの忌避シートです。特許取得 第4994408号。Regular price ¥36,664Regular priceUnit price per¥36,664Sale price ¥36,664 -
Ino pig countermeasure repellent sheet 50 sheets x 2 sets Patent No. 4994408
イノシシ(イノブタ)の嫌いな臭いと色で寄せつけない、吊り下げタイプの忌避シートです。特許取得 第4994408号。Regular price ¥36,664Regular priceUnit price per¥36,664Sale price ¥36,664 -
Anti-Beast Extermination Threat Machine Beast Yojimbo KMN-1
シカ・クマ・イノシシ対策に。獣害対策のノウハウと最新技術を結集し、今までにない強力な防除機です。Regular price ¥58,364Regular priceUnit price per¥58,364Sale price ¥58,364