Collection: Badger countermeasure product list

This is a mail-order sales page for badger countermeasure products. We have box traps for catching and exterminating and products useful for hunting.
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Ecology, characteristics and damage of badgers

Appearance of a badger

The badger (Japanese badger) is a medium-sized animal endemic to Japan, with a body length of 55 to 75 cm and a tail length of 10 to 15 cm. They have long claws that are suitable for digging, and they live by digging burrows in the ground.

Because it prefers larvae in the soil and sweet crops as food, damage to agricultural crops such as watermelon and corn is spreading in some areas.

Compared to other beasts, the difficulty of capturing is not high. The meat is delicious, depending on individual differences and whether the blood is properly drained.

Choose from types of badger countermeasures

Wisdom Bag for Badger Countermeasures

About badger characteristics and countermeasures
trap hunting knowledge

About badger characteristics and countermeasures

How to choose a box trap
trap hunting knowledge

How to choose a capture cage (box trap)

How to set a box trap
trap hunting knowledge

How to set a box trap