What you need to know about bird damage
There are four types of bird damage.
1: Receive unpleasant sensations due to cries, feathers, feces, etc.
2: Assets, equipment, products, etc. are soiled or damaged
3: Landscape is damaged
4: Hygiene and health hazards.
Birds have a wide range of behavior, and crows and pigeons in particular have a high learning ability, making it difficult to deal with them. They also have a persistent nature, such as always trying to return to the place where their original nest was due to their homing instinct. Therefore, even if the damage is reduced temporarily, it may return to normal later.
What is appropriate bird damage control?
As countermeasures, there are three important principles: 1: pest control, 2: habitat management, and 3: population control.Prevention of bird damage
Preventive measures are called prevention, but there are several types.Prevention measure A Evasion using bird's sense of smell and hearing Anti-bird effect ★★☆☆☆ (2.0) Low cost
This is a method of installing repellents, chemicals, adhesive sheets, etc. to suppress flying near the installation location. The advantage is that it is easy and convenient to install.
On the other hand, depending on the location, the disadvantages are that it does not work at all or lasts for a short time, is vulnerable to rain (water), and the area around the installation site becomes dirty. Also, it is not suitable for large areas where you do not want it to come flying.
There are other repellent goods that use ultrasonic waves and magnets, but the hearing of birds such as pigeons and crows is not much different from humans, and ultrasonic waves themselves do not have a repelling effect on birds. As for magnets, it seems that there is no meaning for birds because birds mainly rely on their sight.
In addition, in the early stages when the bird's attachment is not yet strong, it is possible that it will interfere with the bird's flight and try to stay, rather than the repellent effect of ultrasonic waves and magnets.
Distress calls have been used by local governments in the past for starling problems. As a result, it was often seen that although it was possible to drive them away, they soon got used to it and came back.
Also, loud noise was required and the noise of the distress call itself was sometimes a problem.
Prevention measure B Bird-proof sword mountain Bird-proof effect ★★★★☆ (4.0) medium cost
This is the most common method to prevent flying to the installation location. It is easier to install than nets or nets, and has a proven track record, so you can expect stable results.
There are various types of products on the market today, but they vary in price and quality. Depending on the product, there may be no effect in the first place, such as "a pigeon has normally landed on the kenzan", or there are unexpected disadvantages such as "it is dangerous because it is sharp" and "it looks painful...". may be lost.
It is a good idea to carefully research not only the price but also the quality, performance, and customer feedback before selecting a product. Inohoi recommends this resin bird-proof sword mount .
- Type 1: Ideal for preventative measures before birds arrive
- Type 2: Effective in places where bird damage is already present
Recommended point 1: Abundant achievements not only in the private sector but also in government offices and public institutions
It has been adopted in various places for many years for about 30 years. It is also chosen at sites where durability and severe performance are required, such as government offices, electric power companies, and railway companies.Recommended point 2: Abundant achievements not only in the private sector but also in government offices and public institutions
Reliable and high quality made in Japan, durable for over 10 years outdoors (weather resistant material used).Recommended point 3: Easy to install and easy to install
Easy to cut and install due to its unique patented structure. You can cut it to your desired length and use it. Even beginners can easily install it while reading the instruction manual.Recommended point 4: Friendly to both animals and people
Flexible resin is used and the tip is rounded, so there is no need to worry about hurting birds that come close, or even if humans accidentally touch it.
Prevention measure C Net/Net Anti-bird effect ★★★★★ (5.0) High cost
Put up a net or net to prevent intrusion. The effect is certain because birds cannot physically come. However, it has the disadvantage of being difficult to construct. If you install it halfway, there are cases where birds have invaded through the gaps, built a nest inside, or accumulated feces.
In order to prevent it, it is important to install it properly and choose a product that is suitable for the location.
A pigeon living between solar panels
Pigeons, which have natural enemies such as crows, especially like "high places", "places with roofs to protect them from rain and wind", and "narrow places like gaps". . Once a pigeon builds a nest, the homing instinct is so strong that half-hearted shunning measures are useless.
Especially around May and June, the frequency of pigeons is high, and many people are annoyed by their barking and droppings. In some cases, even if a resin net is put up to prevent intrusion, it will tear in a few years, and it costs a lot of money just to set up the scaffolding and put up the net again. It is better to prevent intrusion into
Click here for Inohoi's recommended anti-bird net for solar panels .
Reference article: Before suffering from fecal damage. Pigeon measures for solar panels
Habitat management to prevent bird damage
It is also important not to let them build nests, and to remove and clean them once they are built. The best way to prevent them from building nests is to not create an environment where they can easily build nests. An environment with pigeon droppings and feathers tends to be a relaxing place for pigeons. Therefore, if you find a nest, remove it and clean up feces and feathers immediately.Population management to reduce bird harm
Birds that harm humans are often highly fertile. For example, when pigeons are fed by humans and their nutritional status improves, their fertility increases further and the population increases significantly.
Too many pigeons have a bad influence on human living environment. It is important to ensure that no feeding is done in the area. In addition, it is necessary to take long-term measures in the surrounding area, such as managing garbage and not feeding fruit trees in the garden. If the impact of birds and animals on the living environment and damage to crops is large, it is necessary to consider reducing the number of individuals.
As a "non-hunting bird and beast," the wild pigeon is prohibited from being captured by hunting. However, there are certain requirements, such as the need to obtain a hunting license in order to receive permission. For permission to capture, please contact the wildlife control section of your municipality.