Koshin Inverter Generator GV-9i
Koshin Inverter Generator GV-9i
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- Ships within 5 business days

It is an inverter generator that can be used widely.
1.Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism designated as "ultra-low noise construction machine"
2. Stable, high-quality power output that can also be used for precision machinery such as personal computers
3. The starting procedure is displayed with a number sticker, so even beginners can start easily.
●Low noise & low vibration Ultra-low noise design Acquired the designation of "ultra-low noise construction machinery" by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism!
It was certified as an excellent generator considering the surrounding environment.
PC: Quiet operation and easy to use.
●Computer use OK
PC: Since it is a high-quality power supply, it can be used safely even with precision equipment.
It can be used in the same way as a household outlet.
●You can also use a cigar socket You can use devices with a cigar socket terminal that you use in your car.
●Continuous operation 7.9 to 3.7 hours *When using 1/4 load and eco mode to rated load ●Compact
Compact body with a light weight of 14 kg Easy operation
Simple operation makes it safe even for first-time users
*Electrical equipment that uses a motor, such as a submersible pump, requires a large amount of power (startup power) to start moving, so a generator with an output (VA) that is 3 to 5 times the power consumption (W) is required.
*Do not use in dusty areas.
Product specifications
定格周波数 | 50Hz/60Hz切り替え |
交流 | 定格出力:0.9kVA 定格電圧:100V 定格電流:9A |
直流 | 定格電圧:12V 定格電流:5A |
燃料タンク容量 | 2.6L |
使用燃料 | 無鉛レギュラーガソリン |
点火プラグ | A5RTC(TORCH)/CR5HSB(NGK) |
エンジンオイル | 4サイクル用エンジンオイルSE級以上(SAE 10W-30) |
連続運転可能時間 定格負荷〜1/4負荷 | 3.7h〜7.9h |
エンジンオイル量 | 0.31L |
始動方式 | リコイル式 |
ACコンセント | 合計9Aまで(ACコンセント:2個) |
DCコンセント | 5Aまで(シガーソケット:1個) |
本体寸法 | 455x260x398mm |
本体重量 | 14kg |