The electric fence body TBS-SA30SL (only as for the body, with solar panel) tiger
The electric fence body TBS-SA30SL (only as for the body, with solar panel) tiger
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○ With battery for 5W solar panel & solar charge. You can drive it without purchasing a power supply separately. Runs on single batteries (sold separately) or an external power source. Click here for the type that does not come with a solar panel
○The maximum cable length per unit is 3500m. *Varies depending on installation conditions.
○It is the sale in the body simple substance. If you would like to purchase a set of props and wires, please see this page .
○ Please install a caution signboard using an electric fence (also included with this product) in a position where people can easily see it.
○Please be careful not to allow children to come near the installation location.
to install an electric fence
To install an electric fence, you need a main body (power supply) set and an electric wire set (electric fence rope, insulator, post, gate clip). *Please note that struts, insulators, and gate clips are not compatible with other manufacturers.

Main unit (power supply) set
A power supply unit for sending electric shocks, a hazard sign, a grounding rod, a high-voltage wire, a main unit mounting bracket, and a voltage detector (tester) are included as a set.

electric wire set
The set includes a rope (electric wire) for transmitting electric shocks, a post for stretching the rope, an insulator, and a gate clip to be installed at the entrance.
A full-fledged specification that will not lose to the beast

Rainproof type that can be installed anywhere
The maximum voltage is about 9000V. The VDR output stabilization mechanism automatically detects when the fence line voltage drops and supplies additional current to maintain the voltage. It is also possible to connect a 12V battery to the external terminal with the included external battery cord.

Outstanding ease of use
The touch panel with switch sound can be easily operated by simply pressing the pictogram button. Also, you can easily check the voltage status with the level meter. (Because the output state is in this device, please check with a dedicated tester to manage the electric fence.)

It is also possible to set the operating time
It is also possible to detect the brightness of the surroundings and automatically operate "day only" or "night only". Can be set with a changeover switch ("Continuous": Operates continuously day and night. "Day": Operates only during the day when it gets brighter. "Night": Operates only at night when it gets dark.)
Example of installation method for each animal

Wild boar countermeasures (two-tiered)
Wild boars have very sensitive noses, so the fence should be placed at the height of the nose. *Even if you try to hit the body, the effect will be diluted.
Drive the post (FRP pole in the figure) 20 to 30 cm into the ground. The approximate distance between poles is 200-400cm (adjust according to the terrain). Install two insulators per pole at intervals of 20cm. Connect the connecting lines at intervals of 50 meters.

Measures against deer (4 layers)
Install the fence line at a height where you cannot pass through the lower row and at a height where you cannot jump over the upper row.
Drive the post (FRP pole in the figure) 20 to 30 cm into the ground.
The standard distance between poles is 300-400cm (adjust according to the terrain). Install 4 insulators per pole at intervals of 30 cm. Connect the connecting lines at intervals of 50 meters.

Measures against monkeys (8 columns)
Install it in a position where it cannot jump into, such as a tall tree or a telephone pole. Drive the post (FRP pole in the figure) 20 to 30 cm into the ground.
The standard distance between poles is 300-400cm (adjust according to the terrain). Install 8 insulators per pole at 20cm intervals. Use two connection wires as a pair and connect them at intervals of 50 cm (+ and - are connected at different levels).
Product line-up

Product specifications
入力電源(DC) | ソーラーパネル+充電式バッテリー(付属品)、12V専用乾電池(別売)、乾電池(単一※別売)、ACアダプター(別売) |
出力電圧(DC) | 約9,000V |
使用環境 | 防雨型(IPX5相当) |
最大有効さく線距離 | 3,500m |
運転モード | 24時間連続、昼、夜 |
バッテリーチェック機能 | 動作停止時に「停止ボタン」を押すことでランプ点灯 |
通電状態チェック機能 | 漏電検知時に点検ランプが点滅、電圧測定ボタンを押して通電状態をレベルメーターで表示 |
電池寿命 | 約4時間ソーラーパネルを直射日光に当てるとソーラー用バッテリーが満充電になります。曇天でも充電はできますが、一旦満充電になれば約7日間は充電できなくても電気さくを使用できます。 |
出力周期 | 約1.2秒 |
外形寸法 | 幅250mm×高さ545mm×奥行200mm |
重量 | 6.4kg |
付属品 | アース棒5連、危険表示版×2枚、取付金具セット、出力コード3m(本器に付属)、ソーラー用バッテリー、取扱説明書(盗難補償登録用紙)、外付けバッテリー用コード |