Hitachi Compressor (lubricated) PBD-3.7MNB
Hitachi Compressor (lubricated) PBD-3.7MNB
- 出荷日目安:
- Ships within 5 business days

Product information
Remotely monitor the bebicon on site with a smart device.
・You can see the operation status of Bebicon even if you are far away!
・Notify smart devices when an abnormality occurs
・Monitor all connected Bebicons with a single smart device

Product specifications
型式 | PBD-3.7MNB5 |
出力(kW) | 2.2 |
相及び電源電圧(V/Hz) | 3φ200/220V60Hz |
最高圧力(MPa) | 0.93 |
制御圧力(on-off MPa) | 0.78-0.93 |
吐出し空気量(L/min) | 265 |
空気出口(止め弁出口) | Rc3/8止め弁×1 |
内蔵空気タンク容積 | 35L |
外観寸法(幅×奥行き×高さ)(mm) | 850×680×1,180mm |
質量(kg) | 210kg |